28 февраля 2011 г.

Long time no write, miss:)
where something had happened to the internal organization, or a vitamin deficiency and got to it, on Thursday finally go into the pool of internally so glad spring yet;) all in feathers ... always find ...
And she learned that sharlitovy is purple, I love it.
I want to read La libellule de ses huit ans, Martin Page.

20 февраля 2011 г.

gray hat and white irises

I love irises, and it was a great surprise to get so much beauty for my birthday:) Very nice:) and very unusual for my winter months in the range of which is not so great selection of colors, especially loved ones. And just a warm gray hat which so comfortable when it's the February cold, and drink delicious tea.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tomorrow start the new week, good humor and inspiration!

birthday cake

My words of gratitude to have no boundaries, for your wonderful words!
Thank you very much for your congratulations for the good mood of a sunny day, and for beautiful:)

15 февраля 2011 г.

unknown islands

So you want to at least sometimes wishes materialized ... I would have got on the unknown island somewhere far, far away ...
listened to the music of the ocean and the songs of birds ... gasped and flew away.
Maybe I am getting older by one year:)

Winter on the film

I showed yesterday, late autumn and early winter, a terrible film Fuji: (strange bumps and a lot of shots (night) refused to print.
* Tell me please, that's when you need to print the entire roll of film with 00 on the last frame as you persuade them not to exercise their creativity and do not assemble as they wish, and print everything ... even the black frames?

13 февраля 2011 г.


An exhibition of the remarkable and very good girl
My warmest wishes and further work:)
The exhibition can be seen for another two weeks, at
3 Floor



All Dogs Go to Heaven

talking birds

I once went to work and hear in the distance a very stormy discussion of pressing issues, however, on a crows version:)
and the closer I come the more and more crows in one patch: "It is so interesting, just do not tell" - I thought, and went on.
- С
aw-caw-caw - screaming crows.

* Please tell me why when you need to buy black ink or ink, they will be not black?


I love to February, probably because she loves him any winter man:)
Found several jazz radio who are willing to listen